Marc Maron Reflects On His Hectic Australian Tour, Almost Cancelling Shows
Marc Maron. We asked for him. He came. He saw. But did he conquer?
The general consensus, was yes, but not without a great deal of anxiety it seems. We were going to write some notes on his Melbourne show but we were thrilled to hear Maron deliver a wrap of his own on the most recent episode of WTF, so we thought we’d share with you here.
“I just got back from Australia this morning and I’m out of my fucking mind. I gotta be honest with ya, given all my panic and fear and everything else, I – and I mean this- I had some of the best shows of my life in Australia, this last trip. I don’t know what it was, maybe it had something to do with the jetlag. ….
“[I was] nervous because as you know I got a little anxious about the trip because I didn’t know if we’d sell any tickets and there was some panic because everyone in Australia bought their tickets immediately months ago and then very few people bought them after that. But the fact of the matter is I got there got this Michael Hing guy opening for me, the State Theatre is an amazing theatre its one of the most beautiful theaters I’ve ever seen really …and holy shit there’s about eleven hundred people there which is fine – even if the place seats more- it was fine and they were into it!
“[Jetlag] is like being hungover with nothing fun to regret ….you’re fucked p and you’re kind queasy and your brain’s not quite fucking working but I did two hours and ten minutes and it was fun and the audience was great….it was one of the better shows I’ve ever done.”
“[The Palais in Melbourne] is this damp, smelly old theatre… My opener Anne Edmonds did great and I got out there and I project onto this old haunted structure with 1200 people in it…plenty of room. I start to look at it like an experimental art piece, exploring the empty place of theatre, but it didnt matter, both those theatres were so hot and the crowds were SO good. I did another 2 hour show but this one was pretty tight and it was really one of the best shows I ever did in my life. It was really exiting.”
“All of a sudden I was in this intimate space and I was just bare.”
“The next day I fly to Brisbane which is a show I was nervous about because this is the show I almost cancelled because the tickets weren’t selling – it sold about 350-375. So after doing these two huge theatres and really just putting on big shows for me, all of a sudden I was in this intimate space and I was just bare. The jetlag had ripped me open, the shows had ripped me open and I was almost too fragile in some ways to do the show but it made the show even more exciting , more interesting, and Mel Buttle who opened for me was hilarious and we were just in this conference room in city hall, it was all good.
“I want to thank the people of Australia and thank everybody for the amazing momentum we moved towards Australia with. I wish I’d stayed longer because the other thing about jetlag is now it just seems like a fucking dream, I don’t even know if i was there…..
Oh you were here Marc. You were here.
Maron’s WTF podcast continues to dominate the podcast charts. It was revealed recently that he finally scored his long sought-after interview with SNL honcho Lorne Michaels. Keep an eye on WTF.