President Barack Obama is going to be the guest on Monday’s ep of Marc Maron’s WTF podcast

President Barack Obama is going to be the guest on Monday’s ep of Marc Maron’s WTF podcast

Considering Sarah Koenig never got Jay to out and out admit that he framed Adnan, this will probably be the biggest moment in podcast history.

Marc Maron announced on his WTF podcast episode today that his guest on Monday’s show will be the POTUS, Barack Obama.

You can pretty much hear Ira Glass having a hissy fit.

And this isn’t a Between Two Ferns, “we’ve got to go film at the White House” kind of appearance, Obama is going to the Cat Ranch and sitting in the garage to talk one on one with Marc.

Well, one on one as you can be with the POTUS. There will probably be a sharp shooter with his scope trained on Maron’s forehead at all times.

For fans of the WTF, this announcement is totally mind-blowing, considering how far Maron has come in the history of the show.

WTF started in 2009 out of desperation and lack of career options for Maron and over more than 600 episodes later we’ve seen his life and career evolve from being a disgruntled, former addict alt comic giving it his last shot, through to him becoming one of the best interviewers and celebrated broadcasters in media today.

Remember when we thought the Gallagher episode was a huge moment? Maron is having Obama on his show on Monday. OBAMA!

This also hopefully puts Marc one step closer to interviewing Jon Stewart and Lorne Michaels – his career nemeses .

You can listen to this week’s episodes of WTF over at, including the Judd Apatow episode where he makes the announcement, or over at itunes, where you can listen to the previous 50 episodes for free.