Netflix & Chill: Lauran Hibberd
Isle of Wight pop rocker Lauran Hibberd has been bringing a lot of attention to her little Island for the last 18 months.
After arriving out of nowhere with killer singles ‘Call Shotgun,’ ‘Sugardaddy’ and ‘Hoochie,’ she quickly become a rising indie rocker with a lot of support from blogs and big name media outlets across Europe, and started to receive some warranted attention in Australia now as well.
With her debut EP, Everything Is Dogs, set to drop this Friday, we caught up with Lauran to get the lowdown on everything she’s consuming in pop culture for our latest Netflix & Chill feature. Check it below.
Do you even know what a colour palette is unless you have seen a Wes Anderson film? It is visually the most stimulating experience. My favourite three, would have to be The Royal Tenenbaums (for the characters alone, my muse is always Margot Tenenbaum), The Life Aquatic, and The Darjeeling Limited. The narrative is too organic, and each character holds so much weight. The plots are real, and never feel small. Each of these films just feels like a world that’s been created, purely so I can want to live in it. Could not rate highly enough.
TV – Gilmore Girls
This is in my opinion, the best TV series in the world. I would argue with anyone just to defend its honour. It’s just so home. I don’t even know what I mean by that, but it does just feel like like I know the characters and like I’ve lived in that town. I think as well, I love how female driven it is, and it’s warm but it’s funny and the relationships between characters are so unusual yet so endearing. It just feels real to me. I am beyond attached. I would happily wear a Gilmore Girls t-shirt everyday for the rest of my life. Or just be a Gilmore Girl. I could not watch the five years later spoof they put out though, they all look too different and I couldn’t taint it.
Film & Soundtrack – 10 Things I Hate About You
I remember first watching this at 14 years old. I’d just picked up a guitar, but could barely play. I’d sing and write little songs all the time, buy nothing that stuck. I became obsessed with this film to the point I wanted to sound like it. It’s the epitome of the US 90’s and that is something that has lead to become a huge influence to me. I remember being obsessed with the band that played at the prom, ‘Letters to Cleo’. It was a cover of ‘I want you to want me’. I used to put the DVD on, just to listen to that song. It’s also actually just a great film, it’s pretty coming of age but the characters are great. Definitely a plea to my teenage self.
Podcast – Song Exploder
I adore listening to these. I think it’s a songwriters dream. To be able to listen to your favourite artists talk in depth about how some of your favourite songs came about, and hearing about the recording process. It’s such a personal thing, and there are some great episodes on there. My favourites are Phoebe Bridgers – ‘Scott Street’ and Sharon Van Etten – ‘Seventeen’.
Comedy / Podcast – Congratulations with Chris D’Elia
I think I have this on in the background of 70% of my everyday life. It’s essentially a comedy podcast, but I love the way he talks about life. He has no agenda ever, and he literally just sheds opinions but it’s dang funny. It’s my touring go to, and I highly recommend anyone with a sense of humour to get involved.