FX Series ‘You’re The Worst’ Is Actually The Best
Just, seriously, what? Surely a better series name was pitched for this FX series? Surely there were several suggestions that sounded remotely less shite than ‘You’re The Worst’?
If ever there was a deterrent for a new telly show, it’s crass, sitcom-sounding slosh like this. You’re The Worst, is actually the best, and it’s tacky name is doing it a huge disservice at the moment.
First let us admit; the casting in this one is a little iffy. Jimmy (played by Chris Geere) is intensely unlikable and his housemate Edgar (Desmin Borges) is irritating like an off-brand Ross Geller.
They’re lucky then that the series lynch pin Gretchen Cutler is played by the intense and supremely watchable Ms Aya Cash. Gretchen and Jimmy are attempting to turn a sleazy, carefree one night stand into something remotely resembling a real relationship. It’s hardly in either of their best interests since years of single LA living has essentially turned them into nasty narcissists, but they both sense a connection and fondness to being really honest and mean that neither can deny.
Kether Donohue nails her job throwing some light, ditzy humour in the fast-talking Sorkin-esque dialogue and Brandon Mychal Smith give the series edge when it threatens to slip off a cheesy cliche cliff.
As mild a compliment as this may sound, the occasional shite parts of this series are well and truly compensated for with it’s quick-witted and really filthy writing. You’re The Worst is quick on it’s toes and might just be the saucy replacement for Californication that you’ve been looking for (face it, that one got shit really quick).
FX renewed the show for a thirteen-episode second season which kicked off last month on its sister channel FXX. Season One is playing now on Channel 10.